Discover: Ben Schuller – “Engagement Party”

We’ve got another great pop bop for you this week from Nashville-based pop singer-producer Ben Schuller in his latest single, “Engagement Party”!

It’s far and few that a music video really impresses us these days, but Ben does a bang-up job – especially for a video he self-directed. The concept of “Engagement Party” really drives home a feeling we’ve all probably felt at one point or another: technology is ruining us. From selfies to IG and being glued to their phones in general, Ben does a fabulous job illustrating the need for us to dial down from technology and pay attention to what really matters in his sarcastic yet aesthetic and vibrant video.

We can’t wait for his self-directed visual album, New Roaring 20s. We’re here for it!

Stream “Engagement Party” and watch through the whole damn video. You won’t regret it.

