Discover: Natasha Aponté – Free

This week, we’ve had the pleasure of introducing Natasha Aponté and her brand new single, “Free”!

With “Free”, Natasha took a very interesting approach with her latest release and explores the idea of loving her own strengths and imperfections – a liberating homage to past experiences throughout her life, such as being suffocated by men in the industry who, in essence, constantly tell her she needs to be “free”.

In 2018, Natasha had even explored a social media experiment where she tested the waters across 1,000 men on Tinder with the intent of of shedding light on men’s etiquette on dating apps when conversing with women – all of which caught the attention of the masses and national newspapers. This was the perfect anecdote and went hand-in-hand with her new single, a song about: freedom, vulnerability, and wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Give Natasha Aponté a listen. What do you think of her song?

