Lady Gaga and Adele Have A Bro-Down! What’s a Bro-Down?

Lady Gaga and Adele Have A Bro-Down! What’s a Bro-Down?

I was about to fall asleep when I saw that Lady Gaga posted a photo of her and Adele on Instagram.  Just casually having a bro-down on a Wednesday night… a.k.a. MAKING MUSIC FOR GAGA’s SECOND COMING!

Okay, maybe I’m blowing it out of proportion here but maybe I’m not. Either way, the important thing here is that POP divas can and do get along, and they can even work together if they choose to. I hope they choose to. It would be a wise and wonderful choice, don’t you agree?

First RedOne and now Adele (maybe), Lady Gaga is going to serve 2008-2011 realness in 2015.

lady gaga adele bro down

