Critical Countdown: A Stans Top 10 Madonna Moments

Critical Countdown: A Stans Top 10 Madonna Moments

In honor of Madonna’s 58th birthday, POP On And On reached out to Madge-stan Hunter Crenshaw (from The House Of Avalon) for his Top 10 Madonna Moments and here they are:

10. Courtney Love & Madonna: It was 1995, M was at a peak… She was taking herself seriously on the eve of the release of “Something to Remember” in all Gucci. THEN, like a bird, like a plane, here flies in Courtney Love’s Mac Compact to obliterate the walls of pretention. What happens next is PURE pop culture history for the both of them…

9. Madonna & Jonathon Ross:  In this 43 Minute long interview (THAT IS A MUST WATCH, EVERY SECOND YOU HEAR ME?) M tells Jonathon her reasons behind “Erotica” and “Sex” – drenched in androgyny, coy in speech, she sold us sex, flirtation and challenged us to think. My favorite part of the interview is when she is challenged about her age and the longevity of her career – something that rings true for her today more than ever.

I’ll just leave this here for the haters:

“Oh, that’s so pathetic, I hope she’s not still doing that in 10 years”, I meanWho Cares? What if I am? I mean, is there a rule? What are you just supposed to DIE when you’re 40? That’s basically what everybody wants people to do. I think it’s stupid. Put yourself out to pasture? Why? Life is long…I don’t get it.”

8.  She Can Sing! Sooner or Later at the Oscars 1991:  SHE GAVE IT TO US YES GAWD. This performance is SUCH an important moment to me and her career, to be honest. She really did give it her all and you could see the talent oozing out of every pore. In her brother Chris’ book he discusses how much this moment meant to her. Madonna hated performing in front other performers; he states that she worked day and night to perfect it.

In the final performance we see a moment of her trembling and the loss of an earring but it doesn’t even phase her. Once she finally comes to the realization that she nailed it, in true Madonna fashion, she rips off the other Cartier earring and chunks it. I mean… what else do you really want?

7. THE SHADE OF IT ALL: Lets keep it short and simple, ok? Madonna is the queen of legendary SMART, cut to the bone, shade, GIRL. Doesn’t matter who the target is, its always sweet and short and a slap in yo’ face! Here are just a FEW of her finest shady moments… hehehe

6. American Life Era: I can’t pinpoint one moment from this era because it’s all so perfect. Sure, it wasn’t that successful BUT we will definitely be reexamining this album and era for many years to come. What other pop star takes on an entire government and challenges our way of life? Only Madonna does…

It’s one big package of feminism, patriotism, anti – establishment and I love it. Here is the oh-so controversial directors cut of the brilliant single, “American Life”.

5. Truth or Dare: This movie is pretty important to the story of Madonna … the fashion, the rawness, the fucking performances. Two pretty important moments in the movie consist of the cast and crew talking about how big of a bitch Madonna can be, but their love for her remains strong. The other moment is of course the “Like a Virgin” performance and the masturbation fiasco. SO IMPORTANT. Bitch went right ahead and touched herself, I’m sure it felt like the very first time. This should be a required watch in every high school in America. Just my lil opinion.

Get Truth or Dare at Madonna super-store, borderline Music.

4. Nightline Interview on Justify My Love Controversy: It was the years of Bush one… the country was on a conservative high and out of nowhere comes “Justify My Love”. Madonna’s music video that set MTV on fire as it was instantly banned.

In the interview, Madonna talks about her artistic expression and the interviewer grills her about the video being sold on VHS after the controversy. Personally, I think this is a prime example of doing what feels natural, letting the creativity flow because when that happens, the good things come and in M’s case it was a lot of publicity and a major cash flow. You go girl.  Very Iconic… the case for freedom of expression.

3. The Vatican Speech: In 1990, the Blond Ambition Tour was sweeping across the world, changing lives forever.

A WOMAN standing up to the Vatican in defense of her artistic freedom… do I need to say more? The video is stunning. The raw quality and the little tinge of “you better fucking listen” makes this video EXTREMELY important.

2. The First Ever MTV Video Music Awards: NOW, I know what most of you are thinking – “WHY is this not at the top?” – trust, I know its importance. The first time I was actually old enough to understand this performance, I cried at the sight.

Groundbreaking is an understatement here, this performance solidified her importance. There is a moment that stands out and it isn’t the rolling on the floor, it’s that moment around 2:16 when she walks towards the camera and gives that trademark “good face” – CHILLS. ICONIC. IMPORTANT.

1. 2003 Video Music Awards – THE KISS: I have a really great memory and a lot of odd things stand out to me throughout my life, this one is forever etched in a little spot in the back of my mind, I call it the day the earth tilted just a little off its axis. I was in the living room with my mother at the time just finishing up dinner and I heard the music… I saw Britney… I saw Christina… and then Madonna. CHILLS literally moved down my spine, my young gay mind was blown.

THEN. IT HAPPENED. I still tear up and the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up. This moment solidified all three careers as pop legends. It made the world pay attention. Still one of the last great pop culture moments. Hands Down. Let me bullet point some this for you or we will be here all day.

    • Mary J Bliges’ face
    • Justin Timberlake’s Face
    • Queer Eye Guys freaking out
    • The Audience jump to feet when M arrives
    • Lourdes!
    • The Remix

My fascination with Madonna goes deep. Sure I have left out SO MANY freaking moments but these are all the ones that make Madonna so important to ME.

In April of 2003, my father suddenly died, coincidentally, that was the same year American Life dropped. I locked myself away with the CD and hit repeat. Something about the album reached out to the depths of my soul and held on to me. The album helped me through some of the darkest times and unleashed a crazy inner-stan.

I keep using the word important in this countdown because with each instance or event, I too learned a lesson. Not a day, moment or minute passes by without me thinking about her. In every life and career decision I make, I ask quietly to myself… what would Madonna do? Some may think it’s strange that a pop star could save a young gay boy from internalized homophobia and the wild deep south… but she did. I’m forever grateful to you my Queen.

“I’ve been popular and unpopular, successful and unsuccessful, loved and loathed, and I know how meaningless it all is. Therefore I feel free to take whatever risks I want.” – Madonna

