Remix Alert + Download: Demi Lovato – Cool For The Summer (Dem Slackers Remix)

Remix Alert + Download: Demi Lovato – Cool For The Summer (Dem Slackers Remix)

Demi’s “Cool For The Summer”is easily one of my favorite POP records of 2015, I’ve had it on repeat for weeks and I don’t believe that’s going to change anytime soon, especially with Dem Slackers taking on the hit!

I’m pumped to share this one with you guys because the vibes are off the charts! Dem Slackers really play up the songs brilliant top-line and take it to a whole new level, it’s splashed with tropical flavor and a twist of lime. I promise if you don’t like this, your taste probably sucks.

Stream Dem Slackers’ take on Demi below, you dig? Oh, and download with a simple Soundcloud follow.

