Discover: Mackintosh Braun

I have been meaning to blog these guys for some time now, I was given a promo of their new and may I add absolutely magnificent album Where We Are about a month ago and have not been able to stop listening! It’s a whimsical electro journey combined with heavy voice manipulation yet somehow it also remains a sincere hope for real electronic music, beautiful and familiar, yet completely unique and captivating! Electronic music with more emotion and comfortability than the mainstream dance stabs on radio these days (which I also love)! Give the charming number “Made For Us” a listen below and seriously do yourself a favor and get this album! CLICK HERE to get it!

Note: I just found out they used this very song for Gossip Girl this week. I may not care for the show but at least they are giving acts like Mackintosh Braun some exposure!

Mackintosh Braun – Made For Us

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