Discover: Julia Michaels – Issues

Discover: Julia Michaels – Issues

You may not be familiar with Julia Michaels the artist but you’re definitely familiar with Julia Michaels the songwriter. This incredible being is responsible for most of Selena Gomez’s Revival including “Hands To Myself” and seven tracks from Britney Spears’ Glory, including  “Just Luv Me,” which should have been a single yesterday.

Michaels steps out on her own with “Issues,” a song she felt so connected with that she decided to keep it to herself, even though it’s rumored a number of big name artists were after it. I think it was a good move on Michaels’ part, “Issues” may be light on production but it’s a melodic force that is certain to perform well on radio. I can’t imagine living in a world where this song isn’t everywhere.

You can now stream “Issues” in FULL via Soundcloud which is crazy because there are like zero full versions of POP songs on that platform. Anyway, you dig?

