Cher records RedOne produced track penned by Gaga + listen to the Gaga demo!

Cher records RedOne produced track penned by Gaga + listen to the Gaga demo!

Cher recently tweeted some AMAZING news (read above from bottom to top)!

A RedOne produced track written by Lady Gaga?! Cher is kicking off buzz on her next album the right way! CLICK HERE for the supposed track which contains the lyric “You Are The Greatest Thing To Me” by Gaga which I blogged in May of 2010, totally sounds like Cher can pull this shiz off! I hope it ends up being like “Believe” on steroids!

As if Madonna back in the studio isn’t enough anticipation for the gays, Cher is blowing the lid way off! I have a feeling late 2011/early 2012 will prove to be just as great of a time for POP music as early 2011 did!

 Update: I added the track to this post for quicker listening!

Lady Gaga – The Greatest Thing (AKA the track Cher supposedly recorded)


