Beyonce shoots video for “I Was Here”, changes the world in one day!

Beyonce shoots video for “I Was Here”, changes the world in one day!

Beyonce has recorded a larger than life public service video for “I Was Here”, a track from her 2011 album 4.

Starting August 19th, you can stream the video online (check back on POP On And On) but in the mean time, check out pics and a message from the always flawless diva about the campaign. I have to be honest and say this was a track I overlooked last year but as I’m listening to it today, I must admite it’s pretty good. I hope we get remixes!

Listen to the album version of the song below if you’re not familiar, I hear the video will have a live recording of the track which was filmed in one take!

Beyonce – I Was Here

[audio:/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/11-I-Was-Here.mp3|titles=Beyonce – I Was Here]



